I will probably need to look into this more. The Fauna Marin ICP Total test measures RODI water quality and it has not detected anything in the past 4 or more tests, but I am not doing it as sophisticated as you are, so I wonder if there is room for improvement.
My schedule looks like this:
DI resin replaced every 12 weeks
RO membrance replaced every 52 weeks
Sediment and Carbon plus replaced every 20 weeks
I believe this was determined based on the manufacturer recommendation plus some buffer since I do not know the amount of water this is producing.
1 year seems awfully frequent for an RO membrane, but then again I don't know how much water you're making either.
"Easy" way to determine is for sediment/carbon, look to manufacturer's specs, and change it as recommended with a flow meter hooked in (I know.. more equipment), remember total flow in not just how much water was made, now things like dirtier than normal water obviously trumps total gallons (rusty pipes, plumbing recently done in area, etc), so if you have the clear housing for your filters (my recommendation) you can give it the eye ball test. Do note that chloramine rating is different than chlorine rating for carbon filters too, like significantly less than chlorine.
RO membrane is simple, have an inline TDS meter and occasionally take a look at the numbers, replace when the TDS is significantly higher than when it was installed. I would say with proper back flushing you should get many years out of the membrane though. Also keep in mind TDS when it first turns on will be higher than after it's been running a while.
Resin... color change is a nice indicator... well except for me because I always forget what color it started at. But again, inline TDS after the resin and when it the number gets too much above 0, swap it out, if you're like me who runs some complicated setup of multiple resin types throw in an inline meter after each part. 3 input devices are common