High Tide Aquatics

Oceanic 58

Any change in direction builds friction. The smoother the change the less friction but the more friction built up the more likely something will fail. Pump over heats/fails prematurely, tube comes off the barb fitting.... Not friction related but the more bends and twists means more opportunities for a kink.

There's potential risks and drawbacks to any setup. There's no perfect solution that satisfies all scenarios.
The silicon tubing is very soft, much softer than vinyl tubing. I might just get new joints. 90 degree elbow sounds pretty good actually

I wouldn't recommend using silicon tubing for your return or overflow drains. They're too soft and as a result can kink easily. I only use them for short runs and only in non-essential places like my reactors.
I hav silicone tubing running from my return pump to the hard plumbing. It's about 6" and pretty much straight up. It's only purpose is to eliminate vibration.

Set up the tank. I'll try to get better pictures of the overflow plumbing but I just went ahead and stuck the tubing into the sump. I really like it because the drains sit right over the sump so if there's a leak it should be contained.

For the emergency drain, I just let it flow down into the skimmer compartment. Should I cut the drain short so it is above the water or should it go below the sump water line?
for an emergency drain, I like to cut it a tad short of the sump water line. This way, if you start to have water flowing down your emergency drain, you should hear the water splashing into your sump. Notifying you that something is not right with your primary drain. Time to start troubleshooting why.

added a bunch of fish over the last few days. really liking how the tank is coming together. i think i want to try and get one center piece fish like a yellow eye kole tang. i also need to set up what kind of stuff im going to run in the sump. i just ordered some chemipure elite and seachem matrix to throw in the sump.

here is a list of the inhabitants:

6x blue/green chromis
1 misbar goldstripe maroon clownfish
1 other clownfish (not sure how to tell apart)
1 blue damsel
1 cleaner wrasse
2 firefish
1 purple firefish

1 green brittle starfish
1 fire shrimp
1 peppermint shrimp
bunch of other snails and hermit crabs (but need to get more)

equipment wise, i want to perhaps get a kessil light or a vortech mp40. haha i can worry about it later.
Do you have a bta for the maroon? It's going to rule the tank.
If you don't have a bta for it to hang out in, it may chase the rest of the fish around as it claims the whole tank. With a bta, it's more concentrated around bta and the other fish can swim around more.

Also be aware that the maroon can draw blood if it decides it doesn't like your hand in the tank.

Hope you treated the chromis or at least qt'd them. They are prone to uronema. It's nasty and kills everything.

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Crap. Just looked this morning and one of the chromis has a thing on his skin. Should I take it out and try to treat it? Today is day 3 of getting them. Did not quarantine. I better starting quarantining...

I'll try and get a picture tonight

So I put in a mix of prazi pro and rid ich. And some erythromicin directly into the tank. He seemed to be liking it, just sitting out in the open. My preference would be to catch him in a breeder box and pour this stuff directly on him but he's too hard to catch. Anyway, I hope it's just some bruising. I actually remember one chromis got stuck in the net when I was releasing them. Maybe it was this one, and then it got harassed last night, one day after I first introduced them.

Lol, also bought a pregnant cleaner shrimp to help clean some parasites!
Looks like uronema as well from here. By the time that you can diagnose it externally it's usually too late for treatment and it's highly contagious with chromis and anthias. I had one P. pascalus that came in with it and it didn't make it past 48 hours after arrival (isolated it in another tank by itself).

