Cali Kid Corals

October 10 meeting - 2010 BOD

Congratulations to the 2010 BOD elected at the October meeting. They are:

President - Cwolfus (Charles)
Vice President - Tuberider (Jeremy)
Secretary - Patchin (Steve)
Treasurer - Seminolecpa (Bryan)
Webmistress - Pixelpixi (Erin)
Sponsorship - Iani (Ian)
Continuity - Mr. Ugly (Normal)
Membership - Yardartist (Richard)
Special Events - Ibn (Eric)

For those that did not run, but are interested in playing a larger role in the coming year be sure to come to the November BOD meeting and help us with new ideas for the coming year.
I'd be willing to try and book some speakers ( I have a few contacts) but with the new shop plus the mag, I'm afraid I'd rarely be able to do much more. If the new VP needs some meeting/ speaker ideas or contacts just lmk.
bookfish said:
If the new VP needs some meeting/ speaker ideas or contacts just lmk.

New VP? :looksaround:

I'll get in contact with you when I start in on '10, everything is booked until April, although I have an idea about who I'm going to go after and if I get him the presentation will be a good one like Paul's.