Cali Kid Corals

one nice thing about kittens...


Past President
Is that when they start climbing on your head before the sun comes up it's time to leave the bedroom and head downstairs. Then while coffee's brewing go check the tank, clean the skimmer, mix some new kalk, etc... Early morning maintenance! This might become a habit!
So far I guess I'm lucky, mine just sleeps on my legs. She's a hog though and refuses to move even when pushed or covered so I always lose some precious real estate right there.
You won't think it's cute when it becomes a habit every morning to find a way to wake you up, especially on those morning you really want to sleep

Take a look at this, it's what you have to look forward to :D
Yeah like this morning when I pushed her off my head and she went crashing into the nightstand and never came back to my side of the bed. Then I slept in (back to old habits!)
Doesn't work with my cat, she walks over me (fat little one too at 14 pounds!) and if that doesn't get me up she'll find ways to make noise, I had a metal heat sink on the floor once (don't ask) she found out if she batted it about it made a nice noise! My vertical blinds, they make that clacky sound when they're ruffled... guess what she found out! Also she chases the other cat too galloping down the halls, tackling each other, etc all makes enough noise to get me up. I supposed if I had carpeted floors instead of wood it'd be less noisy, but I'm not going to install carpet just for my cats... plus they might like that too much.
I love kittens. Mine loves to be really nosy and stick her head into whatever I'm doing--especially when I'm messing with my sump underneath my tank.