I didn't mean silicone the lid .. silicone around the pipes/tubing etc where the holes on the upper sides of the cooler are drilled. Leave the lid free easy to open and don't mess with the seal & latches if need be add thin weather striping if any gaps when lid is closed..Outdoor small sheds are magnets for everything black widows, ants, snakes,Bees, charming potato bugs lol since the warm moist environment are attractive especially snakes so keep them sealed and use sceeens for venting if needed. I've found dead &live insect/ crickets in uncovered garage sumps/ dry tanks etc which ehh just added protein I guess which fish will eat lol.I definitely would have put it in the lid. So another good point.
Some people are deathly afraid of our local snakes especially rattlesnakes depending on location so just tossing it out their that if stuff isn't sealed outdoor there's a risk of uninvited guests just something to keep an eye out for..City living folks them ghetto raccoons are a special breed more so then suburban coons Ha
I do envy so much the people who can logistically have a remote sump like garage or basement!! So much easier definitely would keep the wife off my back during maintenance lol..