My fish are really picky in cycles. They will eat about anything but not if it is fed continuously. They have eaten every brand of nori from lsf, Asian markets, brs. But they have decided they are not eating every brand on some days. Same with flakes pellets and frozen. Now I have 10-20 brands of pellets, 5 brands of flakes, chopped up nori, freeze dried mysis and calamus, reef jerky, and some coral food fed through a avast marine plank every 2 hours for 1.5 minutes. Sometimes they like what comes out sometimes not so much. I do 2 additional feedings of frozen a day which they are just as picky. I have cycles through all the LFS frozen and everything from the Asian market. They quit eating shrimp a few months ago. I keep trying different types. They follow the same pattern with the algae growing in the aquarium. Sometimes it's fine to eat the bubble/hair/whatever other times they will not touch it. PE mysis for the most part they won't eat and it causes my skimmer to flow more. But I offer it from time to time when they quit eating the other stuff.