Cali Kid Corals

Pink eyed turquoise favia

Nice frags for you..........remember that favia such as this extend sweepers about 2 1/2 to 3 inches and will sting other coral. This one came from O.T. a while back, likes medium current and lighting but is tolerant of various conditions. It's very hearty and was just sawed yesterday. Delivered to the December BAR meeting or p/u in San Carlos. First come, first serve..........Happy Holidays to All!
OT here: What is the name of that acan looking coral directly behind the 2nd frag from the left? It is the one with the red center and bluish trim...
You are right, Mike. They were pretty pale and even with low placement in the tank colored up great with that nice turquoise with pinkie eyes and famous texture.

Frag #1: eldiablosrt8, Jess
Frag #2: scuba71, Monzer
Frag #3: Coral reefer, Mike
Frag #4: Orion, Gus
Gonzo said:
OT here: What is the name of that acan looking coral directly behind the 2nd frag from the left? It is the one with the red center and bluish trim...
That's the oldest acan in my tank. Red/Orange center with teal/turquoise perimeter. Purchased from Ocean Treasures early in 2009, I placed it in a 12 gallon JBJ Nanocube. It moved to a 20 gal grow out tank while I was working on getting my current tank up and running. I've sawed it in half just once and awarded some non-DBTC frags to BAR members. Like most acans, it does not suffer much trauma from sawing except it does slow new growth for about 6 months. It's going through a pretty good expansion right now with many new heads lining up the along the bottom row. It sits on a very low pedestal that on infrequently pick up and brush. It's color shifts a bit when it fully expands. Cool coral. Click on the thumbnail for full size image from my archives:

Scroll up to see the favia on this thread. The acan is an interloper and thread highjacker. Poor favia! lol
There's still two frags of the favia left and we're leaving the acan alone for now. heheheheh