Neptune Aquatics

Planet Earth on Netflix

How good is the HD content on netflix? and I don't mean as viewed on a smart phone/tablet. I remember seeing that show a while back in HD, and was blown away... and it really needs to be seen good quality with no "glitching" due to compression.
I have no complaints about the video quality on netflix. But my opinion may not be the most credible. Since I don't have a tv.

I think the quality is great. I don't have cable/tv. I watch netflix for shows/movies from my computer monitor.
@sfsuphysics A lot of our content is 1080p with some of it being 4K. Our algorithms are always evolving so you'll definitely be getting the best viewing experience out there. We've been streaming since 1998 so out of all of our competitors, we have the most experience in streaming. Just make sure you have a 2 stream account so you can view HD content. :)
I've been very happy with their hd content with my current set although it's only 1080p gonna be upgrading here soon for both size since I use it so much being stuck in bed often and also to remedy the massive amount of heat my current plasma set generates. Really looking forward to checking out the 4k stuff.

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