Neptune Aquatics

Planning an upgrade

Where’s the best place to look for plumbing advice in the forum? I like the aqua Japan tanks because I’ve seen one in person before, and I don’t know if I’m trying to put 2k down on a XL 300 yet lol

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I liked the price and look of the Aqua Japan tanks but passed on them due to the single drain. If you are concerned about noise a single drain even with a durso is going to be considerably louder than a Herbie or Bean animal setup. I've used all 3 methods.and built half a dozen contraptions to quiet a single drain and could never get it tolerable.

PS: My tanks are in my bedroom so that was the noise concern
I liked the price and look of the Aqua Japan tanks but passed on them due to the single drain. If you are concerned about noise a single drain even with a durso is going to be considerably louder than a Herbie or Bean animal setup. I've used all 3 methods.and built half a dozen contraptions to quiet a single drain and could never get it tolerable.

PS: My tanks are in my bedroom so that was the noise concern

I wound up using the return hole for emergency and then put a return pipe over the top... not insurmountable...

dursos are loud in general. I wound up going herbie with a straight pipe, plus and emergency. Granted, I run my water line at the tip of the emergency drain so it trickles but it's pretty quiet overall.
Where’s the best place to look for plumbing advice in the forum? I like the aqua Japan tanks because I’ve seen one in person before, and I don’t know if I’m trying to put 2k down on a XL 300 yet lol

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YOu can ask here... :)

The link to the other post I pasted had some really nice clean plumbing... I can show you a pick of my neanderthal version that's nothing fancy but cheap and easy,,, Aqua Lab Aquaria also sells a kit they build for a bit extra as well... So there are options.
Do you guys feel like there’s a significant quality difference from aqua Japan to Red Sea or waterbox? Just curious. The pricing on aqua Japan seems too good lol. I think I’d get a large reefer as an end game thing

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Some pics from my build and @jmcastaneda1974... his plumbing is superb.

Mine (in the earlier , cleaner, simpler days):

