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Plusrite bulbs

I'm about to order a 175 14k. Any suggestions otherwise? Or anyone want to add a bulb into the order? They're priced at $25 and it looks to be $5 shipping.
Hey Jeremy any word on how bright they actually are? At $25 a pop that's hard to pass up. I should get a 14k and see how it compares to my hamiliton 14ks
I not concerned about PAR really, the Iwasaki 175w 15k bleached ALL of my corals, even millis, for some reason my corals hated that bulb. I slapped a 20k 250w in there (XM), that has less PAR, and my tank thrived. I'm not yet convinced PAR is an accurate way to determine how good a bulb is.... I just look at the color, and the coral and algae growth to make my determination, I try not to get caught up in the rest of the stuff.