got ethical husbandry?

Post your hitchhiker pics here!

anathema said:
I wish we could keep Caprellids alive... :(

Not sure where you got the idea you can't. I've raised them, MBA does all the time, Simpkins does, my old office mate raises them, etc etc.

FWIW collecting them is off limits.
tuberider said:
r0ck0 said:
Heres a pic of me last sunday hitchhiking back from the rubicon after our jeep dropped the rear drive shaft.

No way I'd pick you up, I don't see any beer.....

We drank it all but had 3 two liter coke bottles full of liquor.

seminolecpa said:
BTW you are using the wrong hand to hitch in that direction.

Artistic license.
GreshamH said:
anathema said:
I wish we could keep Caprellids alive... :(

Not sure where you got the idea you can't. I've raised them, MBA does all the time, Simpkins does, my old office mate raises them, etc etc.

FWIW collecting them is off limits.

I've never tried to collect them locally, but we used to get some big ones longlining at 200 feet on the Aleutian Peninsula. I've had them twice in my reef, and they always seem to die off. Each time they came in attached to a coral of some type, and each time the coral was bleached/and or dying. Since I think they are such cool creatures I bought it anyway both times and as the health of the coral failed to improve the caprellids disappeared. They never seem to move off the coral onto another "host" nearby, which is what I'd have hoped for. They also don't visibly capture any food I've sent their way. The ones that I see in reef stores seem to host on montipora digitata, though I'd think they wouldn't be specific to one type of host?

When they used to come up fishing they were usually hosted on a sponge of some type, and they would detach and swim around the bucket I would drop anything interesting into.

Got any llinks to share on care of these guys? I would be interested.
sorry no links at all. I tried them since I was told they'd do fine on Tigger-Pod copepidites. They did fine on a cool shelf in my back room, locqal ones aren't so keen on higher temps. MBA raises them in one of the back rooms but i forget why and what they use.... lucky ducks though, the system in NSW and not a closed system.
Hi guys,

Did ya miss me? :)

John PM'ed me to take a look at his worm (post #69). Take a look at Ibn's post #32 in this thread -- does that look similar? It's a type of flatworm but probably not a polyclad. At that size it's likely to be a micro-grazer or pod hunter.

JAR - the critter in your post #53 - did it have 2 retractable "fishing lines" each with a fringe of hairs? If so, it was a benthic ctenophore. There's at least one species that prefers to live on leathers. They feed like their pelagic cousins by reeling out the fishing lines & catching copepods & other tiny zooplankton.

I'm supposed to come up there for my long-delayed talk on October 9th. See you all then!
Thanks Leslie for responding! :) Eric (Ibn) said the worm in my pic is the same as he photographed in his. As long as it's not a predatory worm than I'm happy. Can't wait to listen in on your presentation on October. :)
Sorry the photos are all blurry. I have an olive about 5mm long alternating orange(brown) and white with three orange and two white bands. Confirming it is a snail predator.

Jim this may be why there were no young turbo snails around when we dumped the 156g.
Hello again -- Just a reminder that if you have new hitch-hikers or pictures of inverts you're curious about post them in this thread. I'll be using your photos in my talk next month. I can blather on (and on and on) for hours about inverts so I'll restrict myself to your critters plus some tidbits about crustaceans, flatworms, & polychaetes if time permits.
Argggh !

Guess I should have taken a picture of a couple of Eunicid worms I found when I took the old tank down.
Lucky for me they were not big.