High Tide Aquatics

Prefered Frag plugs?

HD is El Cheapo. Expect to pay nearly double what HD sells it for to get the acrylic. I put a link to the good black stuff in the resources forum a while back and IIRC the same company sells acrylic ones as well.
I found it, thanks Gresh! It's the same price as the HD stuff but I'm not sure what shipping runs.

I wonder if that is styrene and not acrylic? I'll email Outwater and ask.
[quote author=GreshamH link=topic=2815.msg30975#msg30975 date=1201369053]
I wonder if that is styrene and not acrylic? I'll email Outwater and ask.

Other than durability is there any concerns with styrene?
I can think of no reason other then color or durability on why not to use the standard grid. It is cheap and easily purchased and replaceable. I've seen tanks with the black stuff, and it still gets plenty gunked up.
I just took a small piece of acrylic, heated it up and bent it into an L shape then drilled some holes to glue the plastic coated mangets I bought in then drilled some holes on the for the plugs. The glue should be dry in the morning so I can see how it holds up since sometimes glueing acrylic and plastic can be tricky. I'll post some pics on the other thread is it works out.
The styrene ones they use a chemical in the release that algae just loves. Acrylic based ones suffer far less problems (when over nutrient load is under controller). If your tank is running at low nutrient levels the styrene ones will still suffer localized algae out brakes where as the acrylic ones int he same situation have a much lower chance of causing a localized algae bloom.
[quote author=GreshamH link=topic=2815.msg31036#msg31036 date=1201423297]
The styrene ones they use a chemical in the release that algae just loves. Acrylic based ones suffer far less problems (when over nutrient load is under controller). If your tank is running at low nutrient levels the styrene ones will still suffer localized algae out brakes where as the acrylic ones int he same situation have a much lower chance of causing a localized algae bloom.

Thanks Gresham!
does anyone have an extra piece of styrene eggcrate 14" by 14" thats all i need for my little grow out area. if so let me know what you want for it.
I've done golf tees and for me they have the same problem as ceramic disks. Both of them can spin in the eggcrate. When you have stag corals close together this can be catastrophic.
To keep them from spinning I've always just taken a small rubberband and twisted it around the plug to fit the eggcrate securely. Works 100% of the time and you can't even see the rubberband. The right sized zip tie works also.
Honestly, you can make your own and cured it over night or two nights. I bought these Epoxy called "Mighty Putty"(Even hardware sell them too) and molded my self with my hands. It's much better this way because you can make the sizes you want for each individual frag. Heres a pics of it with my kenya Tree Frag.
