Neptune Aquatics

PSA--Aquatic Collection

Sometimes they have a particular desirable fish on sale for really cheap during holiday sales (e.g. Purple Tang, Sunburst Anthias, etc.) have you heard if there's a particular fish that's crazy cheap this time?

Ok I desperately want a Naoko's fairy wrasse, and at $50 I'd definitely pull the trigger... if I had a tank to put him in :D

That said, even if I did, wife decided to have a New Year's Day party that starts at 11am... *sigh* ruining my fish life one child at a time!

But seriously, not sure what the prices are on these that they'd be that much, last time I saw one was back when Aquatic Gallery in SF was still open, and they were running $160 each, not sure what they normally run now. But very nice looking fish though, awesome contrast between the red, yellow and black regions.
I’ve been staring at that guy every time I go there

It's a really nice one and they said it's been eating well.

It would have been more tempting if there were 3 to take advantage of the "Buy 2, get 1 50% off" deal. Getting $6 off a firefish wasn't so appealing ;)
I’m getting away from the high priced fish. I know that Lennardi has been doing well but at $800 that’s just to much for me to spend.