Reef nutrition

Radion Settings


Supporting Member
I'm getting ready to put up my Radion units and everyone keeps saying low and slow for the light acclimation. Keep intensity low and slowly raise it weekly till you're at 100%. Which leads me to my questions.

1) What did you do during the light acclimation phase? (intensity, duration, how long till you raised the intensity)
2) What color combinations have been working? What percentage of each color have you been using?

I'm hearing a lot of things and just trying to plan out the switch to LED's.

Thanks for the help in advance!
I started at 40% for 10 hours from start to finish, following the same intensity curve as the natural mode. I increased 10% per week but stopped at 60%. I have mostly LPS so I didn't want to get too bright.

As for colors I used the 14k preset for everything since that's what I like, but tweaked in more blue at the start and end of the day.
I'm using AI's in a mainly SPS tank, started at 30% for 8 hours with a one hour ramp on either side. Then I started to raise the center, went to 4 hours @ 30% on either side of 4 hours at 40%. Started to raise both 5% a week and stopped with a final of 30 minutes 1-30%, 4 hours 30-80%, 30 minutes 80-100%, 30 minutes 100-80%, 4 hours 80%-30, 30 minutes 30-1%. (The blue channel goes 1-50% and then 50-100%)

The biggest problem I had at first was trying blast blues for color pop, just because it doesn't seem as bright as T5's does not mean there is less energy hitting the corals.