Reef nutrition

Random Gear

One of the guys is moving and has offered a few things to BAR people; among them are:
Ebo Jäger 150w heater (Henry)
AquaTop 150w heater (Henry)
AquaTop 150w heater
National Geographic 300w heater
Eheim Jäger 200w heater (Arnold)
Filter fiber
Flake and pellet fish food (Hui)
Seachem Clarity water clarifying
Kent Marine Coral-vite (Hui)
Target feeding tube (coral2coral)
Seaweed clip (euod)
Feeding “ring” (square surface food containment?) (euod)
Glass scrubbing/cleaning wands (Mike?)

Items to be picked up in San Francisco
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Hi Mario,

Can I get the Eheim Jäger 200w heater. I might be able to swing by later. Just Text me. I need to head to costo in the afternoon
Man where was this post yesterday when I bought some tile scrubby brush so I could reach into my 100g water container to clean the sides/bottom! (don't ask how nasty brown/gray that water was) Those scrub sticks would have worked perfectly.

Is that feeding ring magnetic or suction cup? Not sure suction cup would work for my situation.
Man where was this post yesterday when I bought some tile scrubby brush so I could reach into my 100g water container to clean the sides/bottom! (don't ask how nasty brown/gray that water was) Those scrub sticks would have worked perfectly.

Is that feeding ring magnetic or suction cup? Not sure suction cup would work for my situation.

Can set them aside for you in case you misplace the scrubing wand you bought
Feeding ring suction cup, very flimsy
Tried updating the list.

Available as well:
HOB filter, similar to Aquaclear, no media
Media reactor that needs either the pick up tube or outlet. (Hui)
TLF 150 Media Reactor with sulfur/Aragonite new media, (Mike)
36” Current USA light fixture, has white and blue and seems can be daisy-chained; good for cabinet light or QT setup
Innovative Marine media reactor? Fits inside IM AIO tanks back chamber
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Media reactor that needs either the pick up tube or outlet.
TLF 150 Media Reactor with sulfur/Aragonite new media, had it for too long on a shelf at home.
This please, my media reactor has a broken tubes that now requires it to be in sump.

And I don't need the scrub wands.
I’ll be up north, way way north but not too north July 3rd on visiting family.
I have more heaters at my brother’s place and some other goodies, among them
Spare target feeding tube
Long scraper with either steel or plastic blade
ATI-BM200 in great condition
Euroreef RS-180 Protein Skimmer
Assorted heaters
RO unit that might need filters
1/4 HP Aquachill Chiller (needs external temperature controller I haven’t gotten to take it apart and deal with the built-in controller, I believe Coralife)
1/4HP Chiller, also needs to be controlled with an external unit as this one is not built-in one
250W Radium MH bulbs (BN) Will? @Wlachnit
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How many heaters? Top of the thread shows the ones available, I have some others but in storage. As far as pumps, what type/gph are you looking into? I should have some but again, in storage and as the week advances, I have to get ready for a long drive