got ethical husbandry?

Randy’s venture into salt water.

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sorry for the lost, truly am. personally I believe you're going to quick. this hobby is all about patience. adding too many fish and picking up dtbc in short amount of time. rule of thumb I go by, add one fish per month so the biological system can keep up with the demand. on top of that, you are over feeding and I do not think your canister filtration can keep up. unsure what type of mechanical or biological media you are running, but needs to have some type organic/nutrient exports. your canister inlet and outlets prob under the surface as well, I'd point your hydras to the surface to break up the organics on the surface to agitate them to break it up and also helps oxygenate the water.

we are here to help each other out. you ask questions, we answer them. especially if you are new to the reefing scene. it's not like freshwater where you float and dump the fish in, we actually have to do a 30 to 45min drip acclimate before introducing them to the tank.

I just have one question and if you can answer it would be helpful, how long has the tank been set up? I only asked cause based on your previous tang picture, you're tank looks too clean. sand is clean, live rocks are bright white with no signs of diatoms or algae, plastic tubes and back glass just too clean. i hope you finished the cycle. you claim to have sps in your tank also. I'd keep my eye on them since they are more sensitive.
I agree with a lot of this, and want to add that 30-45 min acclimation is good for some fish, but if you get fish from AC in their fish only system (maybe they have two separate ones and this is just one, I forget) the salinity is somewhere like 1.020 usually. In that case to get it up to 1.026 ish I would drip acclimate as slowly as possible, like hours at least, maybe over night even depending on the fish and the time I had etc...
I’m very curious to know what acclimation was like for the two new tangs. I know Brice already asked, but it doesn’t look like his questions are going to be considered since they were maybe taken out of context and seemed too aggressive, even though most of them are quite important and to the point.
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Definitely sucks.

My only advice, since there is lots already, is to learn from this, try to figure out what happened, and don't let it happen again. If you had a major crash and lost all your corals you don't go rush out to buy a bunch of corals because "oh damn guess I got to start over"
Definitely sucks.

My only advice, since there is lots already, is to learn from this, try to figure out what happened, and don't let it happen again. If you had a major crash and lost all your corals you don't go rush out to buy a bunch of corals because "oh damn guess I got to start over"

I agree with this statement. I was literally at Neptune yesterday for a water change. There was a gentleman there that was saying he lost his six year old discus fish and in the same day buying a new one.
I agree with a lot of this, and want to add that 30-45 min acclimation is good for some fish, but if you get fish from AC in their fish only system (maybe they have two separate ones and this is just one, I forget) the salinity is somewhere like 1.020 usually. In that case to get it up to 1.026 ish I would drip acclimate as slowly as possible, like hours at least, maybe over night even depending on the fish and the time I had etc...
I’m very curious to know what acclimation was like for the two new tangs. I know Brice already asked, but it doesn’t look like his questions are going to be considered since they were maybe taken out of context and seemed too aggressive, even though most of them are quite important and to the point.

when I acclimate all my fish I use a piece of air line hose and tie a knot in it to regulate a drip acclamation into the bag. I let the water mix so the salinity can slowly raise to 1.025 which is what I keep my tank at. Depending on how big the bag is determines the amount of time I let this run. I usually like to get 50/50 mix. I then net the fish and put them in the display tank and dispose of the water in the original "fish bag". I do the same for inverts.

... Now I don't believe the acclamation is relevant for the simple fact that both the new and fish that were in the tank for 8 months all died at the same time. Those are my thoughts.
I disagree. If new fish died it cause ammonia and low oxygen which take other fish with them. Big sensitive ones first.
You don’t have much oxygenating the water. Was the tank covered?
when I acclimate all my fish I use a piece of air line hose and tie a knot in it to regulate a drip acclamation into the bag. I let the water mix so the salinity can slowly raise to 1.025 which is what I keep my tank at. Depending on how big the bag is determines the amount of time I let this run. I usually like to get 50/50 mix. I then net the fish and put them in the display tank and dispose of the water in the original "fish bag". I do the same for inverts.

... Now I don't believe the acclamation is relevant for the simple fact that both the new and fish that were in the tank for 8 months all died at the same time. Those are my thoughts.
So you brought them up halfway over how long, then threw them in?
This is an interesting theory. Okay so lets run with this. Why then did the clowns, coral and everything else in the tank survive then?
I’m not saying this it what actually happened. I’m saying it could have happened. My point is you can’t for sure rule out the lack of acclimation causing an issue like you seem to want to do
Following this thread. At this point, it is still possible to identify the root cause?

The only advise I can offer is check water parameters weekly if not more often. You can hopefully catch if things going downhill and have a chance to do something about it.
I gotta second @Bruce Spiegelman here. We are all trying to help. It sucks to lose fish and to lose that many at a time. But if you are unwilling to furnish us with information that can help because you are afraid of being told the reasons are because of certain conditions that are revealed by said information, then why ask?

If you don't want to be told that you lost fish because you had too many, then either don't add too many or don't ask why you lost fish if you are unwilling to be told that. If you made a mistake and want to learn from it, suck it up and admit it. We all made mistakes, no one is perfect and the reason to ask is to learn from it, using experiences that others have to reinforce this.
It was last weekend we had out impromptu meeting of BAR at AC, right? I guessed 3 weeks then. Are you two weeks from water in the big tank now? Or are you going to beat my estimate!?!
Well my estimate didn’t take into account the beautiful rock scape I wanted to put together. So reasonably I think you’re gonna win that bet.

Right now I am….

1. final coats and lacquer
2. Final sand and machine polish
3. Drill tank for overflow

I just finished 10 1/2 hours of polishing acrylic with 800/1000/2000 novus 1,2,3.
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