Reef nutrition

Recommendations for site seeing in Johannesburg?

Bout to board my flight for Johannesburg, South Africa. Was wondering if anyone has visited or has any tips for what to do/see while I'm there. After my meetings, I have two personal days while I'm there and would love to do a day safari trip if possible...
Lucky you. Wish i had a cush job like yours. Get to travel and take personal days to do fun stuff.
Wish i could help you but haven't traveled that far.
wish i could help, my dad worked Johannesburg a few years ago. be very very careful as what may look like a perfectly safe neighborhood probably wont be.
Well, is the hot spot for the football world, the two year plus tournament is about to have the finals held in SA next summer so I bet you'll find lots of attractions.
Well, after 30 hours of travel, I made it to Johannesburg. Spent the whole day pitching to our potential partner...

Exhausted and jetlagged. Everyone says to not wander around too much, so I've kinda been holed up in my hotel. Bright side is that I booked a safari on Wednesday! I'll share photos when I get back. :)
The LFS stores here rock! They had the gem tangs right next to the candy basslets and clarion angels. I think the special was buy one candy basslet for $10 US and get the second one free.

In all seriousness, I would love to check out some LFS... not sure what kind of areas they're in though. Apparently this can be a pretty rough city. Unemployment is like 25%...