High Tide Aquatics

Red Carpet

Karson has a red Haddoni at his shop. He just got it in yesterday, it looked really healthy. I believe the price was 500.
After acclimation!!! Came in yesterday morning, for some reason didn't ship on Thursday, and I would like to ask if there is anyone else on here that has LiveAquaria in their speed dial? :)




Here is the green/gray/blue one...

I was worried when I first put it in, the mouth was a little open and it was expelling it guts! :-( Later last night, I did a small feeding for the fish (shout-out to Gresham & RN, Mysis Feast is great for the "Oh crap, I forgot to thaw food and didn't grab anything at sushi!!!" kind of night.) and some of it landed on the anemone, immediate feeding response! :) It's base is full submerged in a nice little hole, mouth nice and tight. I have to say that this carpet moves significantly more then the other, constantly fluttering edges. Beautiful to watch...
I wish!!! If you look at the picture for the one I got, there is another red one in the background and I was hoping to get some info on when they might sell it, unfortunately, the people working the phones either don't know or won't tell (even if you beg, plead, offer ANY kind of favor, and debate about selling your unborn first born.)
Brought in a chair from the patio, it is a woven something or other, managed to imprint the design into my linen shorts! The hardest thing was waiting the first hour or so for it to get settled. I kept wanting to move the carpet a little, or adjust the rock just a bit, then I saw a hermit crab get nabbed at the edge and had this horrible image of his shell ripping apart the interior of the anemone! Luckily, hermits are strong little buggers and manged a cliffhanger moment, it was actually kind of funny to watch! :bigsmile:
h20player101 said:
I wish!!! If you look at the picture for the one I got, there is another red one in the background and I was hoping to get some info on when they might sell it, unfortunately, the people working the phones either don't know or won't tell (even if you beg, plead, offer ANY kind of favor, and debate about selling your unborn first born.)

I don't think he'd tell me that either. They like to release them with a bang :)
A blue one is my next goal! I have seen on the forums the nice deep blue haddoni anemones, but not in the local stores. Is finding a blue as difficult as red? Haven't asked any LFS to look for one yet though.
The tank that I have the carpets in is a 150g anemone specific tank. The goal is to have up to 4 (more likely 3) carpets and a couple of ritteri. Yes, don't mix!!! I am going to give it a go, and I have a 300g setup that originally was not going to have any anemones in it, but if there is an issue it is ready and waiting. So, there will only be the clowns, which might get eaten (but don't really leave the ritteri), either a sohal or purple tang, a wrasse (undecided), and that is about it.
The Blue/Green carpet the Aquatic Collections has is gorgeous, nice deep blue with green highlights. Why is it that when it rains it pours? What are your guys thoughts on adding another anemone so quick? I was thinking of watching for a little while (1-2 weeks), make sure the red is settled, then adding something. Comments?
seminolecpa said:
I tried and I tried to convince Ian to buy that one at Aquatic Collection :(. Everyone chime in with me......Ian, "dude you need that"

Ian... you should buy it. It's super nice. I saw it today when I picked up your glass top. If you don't want it in your tank you can buy it for my xmas present!---- :santa: :bigsmile: there you go Bryan!