If it is a LFS that I know, I can talk to them about how long they have had, what they have been feeding it, and just general health/behavior of the anemone and not worry (as much). I prefer to only do business with someone that I know either from personal experience or is recommended by someone I trust.
The LFS that I have dealt with have worked with me if something has gone wrong, either allowing a special order to sit at their store with no risk because it didn't look perfect or when there was a major delay on ordering a tank, giving me a discount on future business.
I agree wholeheartedly that if you have anything above 50% positive marks on most online bitching sites means that you are quite possibly the best business on earth, or you pay Yelp. The difference between LA's Diver Den and nearly every other business in the hobby is significant, and this is not from experience but from nearly every single person I have spoken to in the hobby (I trust tuberider!).
If something dies because of bad handling preventable with simple care from the beginning (such as LADD's), why would I want to purchase from a company allowing them to profit and further the bad practice? Not every collector or wholesaler invests the same amount of care in harvesting and shipping of fish, so if I have a choice of picking a supplier that has a known record for going above and beyond to take care of their animals vs. an unknown, I know who I am more comfortable with.
The LFS that I have dealt with have worked with me if something has gone wrong, either allowing a special order to sit at their store with no risk because it didn't look perfect or when there was a major delay on ordering a tank, giving me a discount on future business.
I agree wholeheartedly that if you have anything above 50% positive marks on most online bitching sites means that you are quite possibly the best business on earth, or you pay Yelp. The difference between LA's Diver Den and nearly every other business in the hobby is significant, and this is not from experience but from nearly every single person I have spoken to in the hobby (I trust tuberider!).
If something dies because of bad handling preventable with simple care from the beginning (such as LADD's), why would I want to purchase from a company allowing them to profit and further the bad practice? Not every collector or wholesaler invests the same amount of care in harvesting and shipping of fish, so if I have a choice of picking a supplier that has a known record for going above and beyond to take care of their animals vs. an unknown, I know who I am more comfortable with.