got ethical husbandry?

Red light photo tickets




Prior to the Dec meeting I stopped by Harbor Freight. After leaving I was approaching the intersection with a stale yellow light. I rolled through and half way through the camera snapped a pic... the light had turned red.

I got the photo in the mail around two weeks ago. Got the actual ticket last week... just shy of $500!!!!! Most red light tickets are $250-$270.... FREEMONT sucks, I'm not taking any of my business back there. I know I have to pay it but damn, $500?
as of jan 1st the min. red light traffic jumped up to 431 i beleive n that doesnt include fees..... so if you get one now you will be way overt 500
Same thing in San Mateo county... friend just got a red light camera-issued ticket (similar circumstances to yours) that has fees close to $500.
well that explains it.

Wonder if I should try to fight it? The picture clearly shows I was passed the line before it turned red. I'll have to look at it again but i think I was half way through my turn in fact. Spending a day in Freemont traffic court doesn't sound fun but a $500 ticket + traffic school will probably be in the $6xx range :(
I believe it's $431 in SSF. If it were me I would try to fight it. Not sure if you can do a trial by written deceleration but I've done it in the past with a speeding ticket and I won.
How do those things work though, I thought they took the picture after you were already in the intersection (kind of a sneaky ass thing to do since you can't really prove you weren't running a red light).

However if you do fight it, depending upon how dickish the judge is you'll more than likely get an obstructing traffic ticket (although it should be significantly less).

There are times in South SF & Millbrae where I've seen the cameras go off all the time for people obviously not running red lights, to the point that I'm hesitant to make a right on red at any camera'd intersection.
Mine had two pictures. They time stamp it, etc.

I was driving some one elses car and via my CADL picture they found out it was me (facial rec). The company doing all this is located in Arizona.

There is a camera intersection near where I live that even if you get snapped they won't enforce due to how many miss fires it has. it's far too sensitive but I bet they feel it's doing it's job at slowing people down and keeping them out of the intersection.
A lot of the traffic cameras in UC/Fremont area have video as well, and that may be pulled for the hearing.
Some others take a series of pictures.
My guess: They usually send the one that identifies you best, not the one that shows you as most guilty,
since this most common defense is "Not Me".

Simple solution : Buy a new car every few months. No real plates, so no way to track you.
GreshamH said:
I was driving some one elses car and via my CADL picture they found out it was me (facial rec).
You sure they did that, and that your friend did not simply rat you out?
The quality of the pics I have seen look WAY too low for serious facial recognition searches.
And a quick search on that showed facial recognition used sparingly for some sort of verification against registered owner,
but not for a full database search.
rygh said:
GreshamH said:
I was driving some one elses car and via my CADL picture they found out it was me (facial rec).
You sure they did that, and that your friend did not simply rat you out?
The quality of the pics I have seen look WAY too low for serious facial recognition searches.
And a quick search on that showed facial recognition used sparingly for some sort of verification against registered owner,
but not for a full database search.

Well given it was my parents car, yah 100% positive it they did not rat me out :lol: The letter I got was the only one sent. Then I got actual ticket letter after that.

The photo is better then most pics I see reefers take, damn good. I could see them pulling facial recognition from it.

In fact, I may take a snap shot of it to use as my profile pic on forums :) It's a good shot of me :lol:
If you were making a right on a red how does the camera know you did not come to a complete stop before you made the turn?
it was a stale yellow light when I entered so I did not stop.

Shit, in NJ if you even slow down for a yellow you may cause an accident. Rules of the road there dictate only red is when you stop :lol: I got yelled at by locals for slowing down for yellows :lol:

That letter they sent me had all kinds of data. I'll have to look at it again. I know for sure it showed my speed at various points and had multiple camera angles.
Wow, taxpayer dollars on something of that quality ..... who would have thought.
Oh-wait, it is for revenue generation....

They might have just searched immediate family as well. Especially if you lived there then/once.
Narrow search like that would not need as much detail.

Kinda cool though. Unfortunately in a spooky big-brother way.
What is lame is it's outsourced to another state. I guess that's better then out of the country.

Serious, the camera shot was incredible. I have seen ones in the past that looked like some 1980's infrared camera. This one had great detail. I bet if I had it in a digital file I could make out the lettering on my sunglasses.

@Jon... I know I have a couple look-a-likes. One people used to confuse me with all the time since he was in the same scene and a big name DJ. People all over the world have confused me with him. The other was a friend of a friend in the UK :) But that is when I had long hair and so did they, not to mention over a decade ago.

rygh said:
Kinda cool though. Unfortunately in a spooky big-brother way.

heh, I thought the same thing when I got it.
I agree. I wish I could done a better pose though :lol:

I did look committed....