Neptune Aquatics

Reef AI controllers

Has anyone checked them out? Opinions? Looks like a serious contender to Apex if all their claims are true. I do like that they use a pretty nice cpu vs the Ardunio chip Apex uses. Definitely allows for future expansion.

The round power hub looks like it would b a pain for cable management though.

That water level sensor looks great.

It is interesting that they sell Reef-Angel components on their site, and have
the I2C/USB port reef angel uses.

But what matters so much with these products is software, and there is
really no info on their site at all on that.
Is it open? Linux?
As far as I know they run Linux. Not sure about open source. I saw that they offer an Ardruino module u can program.

I'm seriously considering it as an alternative to Apex but I'll be sending them an email with a few questions 1st.

Mainly about their wireless light controller and the software it runs. Will it have the same level of control as say the AI Director?
So far, its not very encouraging. Sent them an email 2 days ago asking for more information about the interface for the lightling hub. Have not heard back yet.

I would imagine if you had an emerging product and had an inquiry, you would answer it in a timely fashion to keep the potiential customer interested.

Gonna try another email and see.
I like the older Aqua illumination controller because it came with a twist nob and seemed more straight forward. The new one is wireless except the power cord and the options are cool for different modes. The new one is a pain in butt when your increasing the light percentages because of the rubber buttons feels like it takes for ever one click per percentage for all the different color leds. The power adapter is CRAP! on the new one with the folding prongs its just breaks and falls apart when you try to plug it into the wall. I bought 2 and the same thing happened on both the 2 prong adapter just falls apart, but if you have a I phone usb wall plug adapter that works fine on the new AI controllers.