Cali Kid Corals

Reef Expertise? Rate yourself out of 10!

Coral Growing Skills5
Coral ID5
Experience / Knowledge5
Photo Skills2
Spending money10
Getting what I can do to be easy/cruise control8
Fish disease/QT8

I cant keep SSP to save my life. But the things I do know I can implement with little to no effort. So, I'm somewhere in the "ok" range
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You are not!
I dunno Rich, I kinda agree with you that anyone that calls themselves an expert, probably should be squinted at! Reminds me of this comic:

I dunno how the scale works for this, like what does 10 mean on coral growing skill? If you put the most difficult acropora in a detritus filled nitrate magnet use tap water with prime as your source of water type of tank? Or is simply means how fast you are able to grow corals? Which in itself is a completely bonkers question with a ton of flowchart type branches as well.

Now assume "5" is average, and this is based on what I can do not what I choose to do now

Coral Growing Skills - I'd say 7
Coral ID - 4 if you're talking about a general ID of the coral, if it's designer name "ID" then 1.
Experience/Knowledge - 7
Photo Skills - 3 (decent enough with a phone camera and lens filters
Fragging - Sticks 8, plating/encrusting - 4, squishies that stick to rocks (zoas, mushrooms,etc) - 2 note: these numbers assume I do not destroy the rock the corals are on, otherwise a solid 9 for everything :D
I'm gonna flip it around @salty_taste !

I'll post my list of highly experienced "Reliable Reefers" who I will listen to, read articles on, or consult (and tag here if they are members in no particular order):

@Coral reefer @Kensington Reefer @Thales @H2OPlayar @Matt_Wandell @Apon

Our LFS partners @robert4025 @under_water_ninja @Cbruno80

The BAR board of directors here

Authors/creators like Charles Delbeek, Julian Sprung, Mike Paletta, Sanjay Joshi, Scott Michael, Keith Burkelhamer, Colin Foord, Ben Johnson, Luiz Rocha, Ron Shimek, James Fatherree, RHF, Craig Bingman, Dong Zou, Joe Yaiullo, Jim Graham, and many more.

Some that have passed: Bob Fenner, Jake Adams
I'm gonna flip it around @salty_taste !

I'll post my list of highly experienced "Reliable Reefers" who I will listen to, read articles on, or consult (and tag here if they are members in no particular order):

@Coral reefer @Kensington Reefer @Thales @H2OPlayar @Matt_Wandell @Apon

Our LFS partners @robert4025 @under_water_ninja @Cbruno80

The BAR board of directors here

Authors/creators like Charles Delbeek, Julian Sprung, Mike Paletta, Sanjay Joshi, Scott Michael, Keith Burkelhamer, Colin Foord, Ben Johnson, Luiz Rocha, Ron Shimek, James Fatherree, RHF, Craig Bingman, Dong Zou, Joe Yaiullo, Jim Graham, and many more.

Some that have passed: Bob Fenner, Jake Adams
Wow I am humbled to be on your list.