90% of reefers I've visited are hoarders, myself included. We have periodic garage clear out sales to get some sanity back. We like to tinker with gadgets. We have backups for our backup equipment. Equipment from previous setups that will maybe be for future setups. How do you guys organize your stuff?
All my stuff is on this rack in the garage plus two brute trash cans outside for water changes. I've tried organize items by category in tubs (testing, fragging, maintenance, equipment, etc) but I still feel like it's organized chaos. I've tried to find garage cabinets with doors to hide everything but none are deep enough to hold the tubs.
All my stuff is on this rack in the garage plus two brute trash cans outside for water changes. I've tried organize items by category in tubs (testing, fragging, maintenance, equipment, etc) but I still feel like it's organized chaos. I've tried to find garage cabinets with doors to hide everything but none are deep enough to hold the tubs.