
Reef security cameras! Who uses them?

Hi all!
I was wondering how many of us like to watch our reefs from vacation/work/etc via security cameras? I love my pan, tilt, and zoom reolink E1 because I can check on two tanks with one camera.
(Please excuse the dirty tank, I am away for business)

Fish Cam 3-9-2023, 1-05-58 PM.jpg
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I bought a camera while I was on my last vacation. It was very nice to be able to see and hear my tank while I was away. The camera provided some peace of mind that everything was working as it should.

I use Google Assistant with a smart power strip to run my tank. The audio was nice from the camera so I could hear if alerts from my ATO or Inkbirds were going off and then be able to turn off heaters or the ATO and restart them.
I use ring cameras too. They don’t do great with the blue light, but better than nothing and better than having to deal with some other random camera system I don’t already have.
I thought about doing that too, just never got around to it. I don’t actually check the cameras very often. Where did you get the filter from?
I’ll try to take a look and find it. It was a long time ago, like $30, I think. It was a camera film sheet recommended by someone on Reef2reef. I’ll reply if I can find it this evening.
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I have been giving this some thought. We have a ring system and some vacations planned. It would be good to have and easy to add.
The trade off to make is cloud recording support with history versus high resolution. I have a bunch of nest cams as leftovers from baby cams. Really helpful to have the history, but for a reef tank it looks like potato cam quality
I would recommend Wyze over ring just for the cost and local storage factor. Also if you ever go hardcore with a dvr you can flash them to stream directly to the dvr