
Rescue Attempt: Dolphin Pet Village Bubble Tipped Anemone

Ha! Get in line. :D

There is at least one in the club though, and it really is up to them what to do with it. However they don't split quite as prolifically as the "standard" RBTAs, and he may not want to force the issue... with a razor blade.
Lol @NanoCrazed

This is just my theory, but you CAN NOT mix DPVs with any other anemones.

Unfortunately, I have multiple buyers who have mixed DPVs and RBTAs and it's always the same results, Chemical warfare. Over a few months the RBTA will slowly and surely win. The DPV tentacles will get smaller, Green tips will lose it's bright Green color and retract, Purple will turn gray and the DPV will melt away.

I started noticing this a bit in my own Lagoon 25g tank and have since removed all RBTAs.

Also, Tyler said he still has the DPV I gave him a few months ago and he runs carbon in his tank.

My shift happened over 3 days... but my tank got challenged with water (and just discovered light issue -- accidentally switched to a high PAR program that blasted 350-400PAR to the bottom). this makes it hard to pinpoint. I also lost a new wild nem that was next to it... :/

too many variables... but certainly could be as you say though.

oh -- and it somehow managed to hop down the drain pipe into my sump over the weekend. i was wondering why my ATO was going nuts.. then realized the DPV fell out after i shut off my pumps. Doh!
Yeah the "line" was just an off hand remark about how desired this particular anemone is, especially in the region where it came from. That said, the original poster of this thread no longer has a tank, so this particular DPV anemone is not "here", not sure who he gave/sold it too.
Mike @Enderturtle passed it along to me to go along with all the RBTA's that I had in my tank ( I had 15+ that I passing along in the DBTC ).

Everything was going great until one day all the anemones started shrinking and loosing their color, and this progress kept going until there were non left. I found out that there were some people that said anemones of different types can have a chemical warfare with each other and that is the only thing I think could have happened. It was the weirdest think I saw. There was no slime or die off its like they just shrunk to nothing. No effects to my other corals. It was a very sad experience. I had my RBTAs for 10+ years with great success and to loose them all plus to loose the DPVBTA was heartbreaking. Yet this is sometimes how we learn in this hobby. :(
Mike @Enderturtle passed it along to me to go along with all the RBTA's that I had in my tank ( I had 15+ that I passing along in the DBTC ).

Everything was going great until one day all the anemones started shrinking and loosing their color, and this progress kept going until there were non left. I found out that there were some people that said anemones of different types can have a chemical warfare with each other and that is the only thing I think could have happened. It was the weirdest think I saw. There was no slime or die off its like they just shrunk to nothing. No effects to my other corals. It was a very sad experience. I had my RBTAs for 10+ years with great success and to loose them all plus to loose the DPVBTA was heartbreaking. Yet this is sometimes how we learn in this hobby. :(
That sounds sooo painful.
Mike @Enderturtle passed it along to me to go along with all the RBTA's that I had in my tank ( I had 15+ that I passing along in the DBTC ).

Everything was going great until one day all the anemones started shrinking and loosing their color, and this progress kept going until there were non left. I found out that there were some people that said anemones of different types can have a chemical warfare with each other and that is the only thing I think could have happened. It was the weirdest think I saw. There was no slime or die off its like they just shrunk to nothing. No effects to my other corals. It was a very sad experience. I had my RBTAs for 10+ years with great success and to loose them all plus to loose the DPVBTA was heartbreaking. Yet this is sometimes how we learn in this hobby. :(
How long before things went south? Were there new intros into the tank right before and for how long?

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How long before things went south? Were there new intros into the tank right before and for how long?

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Things were going great for a month or so everyone was eating and happy and then the DPVBTA started roaming more then my RBTA did. Then the degrade in all the anemones went really fast, it only took about a week for 90% the anemones to be gone, I had a few straggler RBTA and tried to nurse them back but they disappeared as well.