
RFA ate wrasse...

I've read about RFAs occasionally killing fish before but always thought that those are rare chances. Looks like I won the RFA killer lotto.

Went to a meeting and RFA(s) killed my small lime green coris. The wrasse has been super healthy and was swimming about picking on bits maybe 30 mins prior. Have had the wrasse for a long time already. Tsk.


...if I could only win a meaningful lotto too.
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That RFA is really small to be a fish eater at this point. Usually even at a larger size they have a hard time holding a fish. I wonder if your Maroon Clowns aren't killing stuff and then it's catching the dead livestock.
are you sure that's not a shrimp molt? A bit hard to tell from the photo but it doesn't look terribly dark on the underbelly which makes me think a molt, I know I've been fooled (mortified) on more than one occasion that my shrimp was dead and just floating around.