got ethical husbandry?

Rich Ross at SF Nerd Night Wed 7/20/11


Past President
Its like Discovery Channel - with beer!

I am honored to be part of the SF nerd night this month. If anyone from BAR can make it I'll buy you a drink!

I'll be talking about Ceph Sex

Octopus, cuttlefish, nautilus, and squid are not just smart, not just masters of camouflage, but also masters of reproduction! This talk, which amounts to ceph porn, is packed with dirty pictures and dirty video of your favorite 8-armed animals in various stages of dirty relations, from the deed itself to “birth.”

and the other talks will be on Bedbugs (ewwwww) and Roman Dictatorship.

I'll also be premiering a new magazine:

Sorry Tim! It was packed - 330 people! They are working on vid's now. I said Squid Jizz and called blanket octopus whores.
jestersix said:
Another reason to miss living in the Bay Area, you just don't hear much about Squid Jizz in the valley...

Maybe you can start your own Nerd Night in the valley. You have nerds there, don't you?