Reef nutrition

Richmond wrasse


Supporting Member
So I was pleasently surprised one day this week when I came home and found my richmond wrasse that I added to my tank 2 weeks ago and disappeared, just up and start cruising the tank. It is now eating and acting like nothing ever happened. check it out. Also in the third pic you can see my hybrid miami hurricane/emarald mummy eye chalice. the emerald started growing over and into the miami hurricane. It doesn't seem to affect any of the two involved. kinda cool. Adding this wrasse makes me have 12 total wrasses in my tank. the list is as follows, leopard wrasse, lineatus wrasse, red fairy wrasse, mystery wrasse, velvet wrasse, yellow coris wrasse, adorn wrasse, richmond wrasse, pair of flame wrasses, and a pair of golden rhomboid wrasses.


I see you have a fish theme for that tank! :D

Cool 'hybrid' chalice though, can't even really tell where the other chalice merged int it. Nice looking stuff!
The adorn wrasse is way underrated, so how about a pic of that fish?
With all of that goodies and there is no angel? :)
I had a pair of bellus angels, but the male started eating corals so they had to go. I also have a achiles tang, and adult chevron tang, black cap gramma, blue accessor, marine betta, blue tile goby, 2 tiger cave gobies, strawberry dottyback, bi color blenny, flame hawkfish, and dwarf golden moray eel. As for the wrasse theme. I wanted to make sure I had plenty of pest eaters and a whole lot a color. It took me forever to find that damn adorn, but I ended up getting it for 29 dollars. such a beautiful wrasse and so cheap. All it ever does is look for little critters to feed on. my leopard, yellow coris and the adorn swim around together like a small gang looking for pests. its kinda cool to watch this behavior.
as for the chalice you can see the original frag I got from Ian when he used to bring in frags to Ocean Treasures in the middle and it grew over a big rock and the part you see curling back into the center is the emerald.
I pretty much go to aquatic collections and aquatic central. I used to go to ocean treasures but they folded. I did get the adorn from Atlantis aquarium on a whim.
Hey Erin. It's been a while. And thanks. The chev is very fat and happy. Thanks again. As for the gobies they stay in a small cave together. They kick it with my eel. Kinda weird but it works.
I would love to have it in my sump walking around my corals, but I need to get rid of my eel and my marine betta before adding any more fish.
That's awesome! I had something similar happen with a black leopard I added a couple weeks ago that disappeared and suddenly popped up swimming around like nothing happened. Always a good surprise!