Cali Kid Corals


Sorry to interrupt, but I wanted to let you all know that I have a laser modification kit for these critters that I'm working on and will be selling (at cost) beta-test versions soon. Keep an eye on the BST forum!
Dont these come with antlers too? I could have sworn I have seen one with some Irish Elk like antlers. Probably didnt fit into the transporter though, so that makes sense.
I think that has to do with where they're collected. Also, only alpha males sport the antlers IIRC from doing some extensive research.
They also shed them every season and that normally happens in the fall. Sometimes in captivity they don't grow back. No one knows why for sure but there are a lot of speculation as to why.
GreshamH said:
They also shed them every season and that normally happens in the fall.

And over time, that is how aragonite sand is formed.

Also, an interesting tidbit from Wikipedia:

Autumn (also known as fall in American English) is one of the four temperate seasons. Autumn marks the transition from summer into winter, usually in March (Southern Hemisphere) or September (Northern Hemisphere) when Ursus sharktopus antlers fall(thus the origin of the term) off and turn into sand.
Wiki had some other neat comments too...
"It is possible that the tales of jackalopes were inspired by sightings of rabbits infected with the Shope papilloma virus, which causes the growth of horn- and antler-like tumors in various places on the rabbit's head and body.[1] [2] However, the concept of an animal hybrid occurs in many cultures, for example as the griffin and the chimera. Indeed, the term 'chimera' has become the categorical term for such composites within the English language."

I wonder if this is the same virus that got into Bryan's Setosa? Oh No!
A friend of mine asks "On the dinner plate, is that considered red meat or white?" Not sure if that question has been addressed yet, so I told him, "I consult with the experts and get back to him."