That's a downer, but it happens. Just keep in mind with the hyper speed setup you're doing you should expect to lose corals (possibly all of them). You might not, but better to be prepared to lose it all than be let down when things go awry.Lost my first coral.It was from the frag swap and never inflated. A few days later I saw bare skeleton and today I knew it was a gonner.View attachment 36803
Accidentally set my return pump to off instead of feed mode last night. Woke up to an unfiltered chilly reef. No losses yet and everyone seems to be ok.
If there's still some live coral around the mouth, don't throw it away yet! I had my neon candy cane grow back to a mini colony from a just couple mm of coral tissue after a year of struggling from new tank issues.Lost my first coral.It was from the frag swap and never inflated. A few days later I saw bare skeleton and today I knew it was a gonner.
I’ll start doing biweekly phosphate and nitrate tests and post them here. I will rewatch that video tonight.In the video above, they said leave it alone for a few weeks and it fixes itself during this stage.
Get your test kits going and build a picture of what the parameters are doing with data. Is your po4 .02, or .2? That matters and will tell your if you are feeding too much if your phosphates are tracking higher.
I understand I must wait out the uglies and I will do it. I just didn’t want an entire tank full of GHA on month 2. I will leave my current setup alone for a month or two and keep posting updates.what is your po4? did you even test that yet?
you are thinking way too much. take a few steps back, relax, and let the tank run its course.
again. dont rush it and have patience.
It’s pretty hard and strong, doesn’t seem to easily pull off.If you have a tank full of gha, then it is really easy to grab with your hands and throw away.