What's all the new stuff?
Free dying anacro I'm attempting to save, $9.99 green slimer with great PE, free birdsnest that
@Ragglefraggle didn't want anymore,
Equipment changed:
Downgraded my wavemaker MLW-30 to MLW-10. Everyone seems happier.
I'm swapping from foam to filter floss for better clarity.
Current stocking:
2x frozen frostbite clowns, 1x royal gramma, 1x bicolor blenny, 1x cleaner shrimp, possibly a tiger pistol that I haven't seen in a month.
Green acro, birdsnest, purple stylo, anacro, purple monti, other monti, purple/pink hammer, green/purple hammer, green/grey goni, purple candy cane.
Aqueon 40 Breeder
FijiCube DIY AIO
NooPsyche K7 V3
Aqueon Pro 200W
Smart ATO Lite
Amazon grow led strips
Jebao MDP-2500
Jebao MLW-10
3D printed copecabana
3D printed RFG return nozzles
AA xl frag rack
Aquatic fundamentals stand