Neptune Aquatics

Rygh's 250 gallon - rev.2

Yes, that is a bit of a worry.
Main concerns:
1) Leaking.
But this short term, and I can be careful.

2) Algae and Mold inhibitors in the PVC.
I doubt cheap ones will bother. Plus I am not using it for coral, so should be ok for fish.

But the alternative is some big stock tank, which I then have to get rid of later.
I guess I could ask around though.
It’s not like people on here don’t hoard stuff like that.
I just read an article on filefish. Although they will go after corals if there is no majanos, it would be a while before that happened. They are supposed to decimate majano populations.
I just read an article on filefish. Although they will go after corals if there is no majanos, it would be a while before that happened. They are supposed to decimate majano populations.
I tried a filefish.
It did eat Majanos. But it definitely ate other soft corals also.
Still, it was a serious contender for a fix.
Basically - stick with corals they do not eat. Give up on those they do.

But I really want to fix it for good.

Plus, I have some sort of invasive yellow sponge, so need to deal with that as well.
So the tank-reboot is slowly starting.

Bought some salt, chems, extra heater.
Borrowing a stock tank Saturday. (This club is really helpful!!)
Getting the coral frag tank set up.

Corals can be replace easy, but I am stressed about losing any of the fish.
They have been with the family a long time now.
Go slow and be careful....
Am I crazy thinking of replacing the tank with a glass one???

I do have a lot of scratches, and it is such a pain to clean the coraline with a plastic scraper.
The stainless top bracket (that makes my acrylic tank nearly rimless) is rusting a bit. (Yes, stainless can rust)

A monster expense for a custom 240G.
I would have to redo all the plumbing.
A big delay, waiting for completion. does custom tank sizes at reasonable prices, especially if you want/need to fit a particular size

Ahh yes. The other hard parts...
Choosing the tank builder. Then overflow type. Then glass type, thickness, bracing ... urgh...

Customaquariums is certainly a good option.
Crystal Dynamics has a standard 210. 7x2x2, and does custom.
Coast to Coast is supposedly pretty good.
DD as above.
Probably other options.
Quality is a lot more important to me than super cheap.
Decided that changing tanks is not a good plan.
Too expensive, big lead times, and all that work that I do not have time for.