got ethical husbandry?

Selcon and Zoecon

It's been a week, so I sucked out 50% and put in freshly made water yesterday. I put it in gradually over 45 minutes. They seem fine and are eating well. :)

I was going to use water from my nano, but I just did a water change in that tank and didn't want to stress the corals out anymore, so I thought, lets go with freshly made. I also run a poly filter in their tank to help catch any waste products (ammonia, etc.)

Now I know why tank raised fish cost a little more than wild caught fish...all this work and having kids! ;D On the positive side, they're fun too. :D
I can see why they cost a little more as well. After you figure in food, accommodation, electricity, time, and labor ... and of course profit. I really enjoy rearing these guys so far though. They almost look bigger already! =)
I have about 5 lbs. of live rock, and an Aqua Clear 30 HOB filter with two mature sponges from my old sponge filter -this is my means of biological filtration ... pretty basic, nothing fancy.
So it sounds like you're performing weekly 50% water changes?
Do you run the poly filter in a canister? Or a HOB filter?
Anthony, does your bottle of Selcon have an expiration date on it? I have one for about a year now and was wondering if it expires. I have kept it in the fridge all the time and am not even sure if it should be kept cold or not.
Lyn said:
I had to shave the cyclopeeze frozen bar. I didn't know they had a squirt bottle...wish I had gotten that!

They, meaning Argent (CyclopEeze) don't. Liquid Life makes a product with CE in it though :)
A_Lee said:
Lyn -

Just thought you might want to know that I just tried some Nutramar Ova, and got mixed results. They went after it, but they weren't crazy for it. I ended up just feeding them a little of the Ova, and gave them some artemia.
FWIW, I also spoke briefly with Rich today, and he said he was feeding the babies nauplii before he distributed them.

Watch out feeding too much prawn eggs or Nutramar Ova. Fatty liver disease is all too common with high fat feeds like that.
alve said:
Anthony, does your bottle of Selcon have an expiration date on it? I have one for about a year now and was wondering if it expires. I have kept it in the fridge all the time and am not even sure if it should be kept cold or not.

Refrigerate at all times and it does go bad (does it smell awful?). Too bad the homepage utterly SUCKS for that product...
I didn't know I had to refrigerate it :( What if you don't?
It does smell funky :~

Also, I only feed the Ova once or twice a week ... think that's too often?
A_Lee said:
I didn't know I had to refrigerate it :( What if you don't?
It does smell funky :~

Also, I only feed the Ova once or twice a week ... think that's too often?
Ya... it's probably bad then... shouldn't smell funky IME... Refridgerate always.
zambavi said:
A_Lee said:
I didn't know I had to refrigerate it :( What if you don't?
It does smell funky :~

Also, I only feed the Ova once or twice a week ... think that's too often?
Ya... it's probably bad then... shouldn't smell funky IME... Refridgerate always.

Yes, and be careful not to touch the tip of the dropper onto anything. I ruined a bottle by doing that and introduced bacteria into it. The selcon got these white strands in the bottle. Yuck. :(
GreshamH said:
Lyn said:
I had to shave the cyclopeeze frozen bar. I didn't know they had a squirt bottle...wish I had gotten that!

They, meaning Argent (CyclopEeze) don't. Liquid Life makes a product with CE in it though :)

Thanks, I didn't know that, but now I do. :)
Thanks Jeff! I have had mine for almost a year now and it still doesn't look or smell any different then when I bought it so I will still use it.
No, it got a smell to it. I can't compare it with anything I can think of but it doesn't smell very good. The smell is less strong then Oyster Feast, almost as strong as Roti Feast.