
Seminolecpa's 180G upgrade

seminolecpa said:
My first youtube video. Benefits of buying your wife a video camera for the upcoming baby.

Enjoy the fine quality :)

Missed this... congrats :)
My roommate walked by and put her hand on my shoulder while the video was running. She said, 'your 'fish porn' has graduated from forums to video'. I said, 'yeah'.

Not even sure I can imagine what 'Daddy' would sound like pointed at me. All the best.
Awesome news about the pregnancy!
Boy or girl? Due date?
A little advice.
For the first six months you may want to mount the kid to the front of the tank with some IC-Gel.
Much easier to keep an eye on em! :D
Girl due in late September Early October.

Remember, I have actually been through this before. I have a 13 yr old daughter. I also have a wife that wouldn't let me quit if I tried. I don't plan on going anywhere.
we are due then as well..... but i just went through it and have a ton of free babysitting(family)

to get to the OP...

your tank is amazing... i am jealous i am no where near as nice as yours.... awesome tank and i cant wait for my tank to grow up so it can be like yours
My daughter was born 1 week ago. If she cry's at night I go to the tank with the LED's on and she stops crying. :) Looks like she likes it herself. Congrats Bryan!
tuberider said:
My brother put a peanut butter and jelly sammie in my mom's old planted Metaframe tank, he was only trying to feed the fish :D

VCRs are also a great place for those :lol:

Congrat B.... and I never knew you had a 13 y/o.
I just heard the news yesterday. Congrats. It;s already changed you, Infinity vs Subaru :bigsmile:
You'll enjoy it. Your tank may not be quite as clean, but .......................
sfsuphysics said:
yes vrrrooom vrrrroom car that made my Prius jealous, to soccer mom car where my Prius giggles :D

Don't worry, I still have this one :)
