
Site Software Upgraded

pixelpixi said:
Gresham, I think I fixed the duplicates problem too. Is it fixed for you?

Everywhere (is fixed) but the splash page (/home) "Upcoming Events" is still doubled up.
Thanks for all the work Erin.

Just wondering, is the DBTC forum tweaks you are doing transferable in an easy package? Would be cool to be able to give the "program" as a whole to clubs in need. You could install some BAR copyright or watermark :) I thought about doing this with a raffle database/program with IMAC/BAYMAC.
GreshamH said:
Thanks for all the work Erin.

Just wondering, is the DBTC forum tweaks you are doing transferable in an easy package? Would be cool to be able to give the "program" as a whole to clubs in need. You could install some BAR copyright or watermark :) I thought about doing this with a raffle database/program with IMAC/BAYMAC.

Yes, it's written as a Drupal module and can be used by anyone running a Drupal 6 site. We've already shared it with NCRC for use in their club. There's a little bit of setup/tweaking required to install it, but it's not too bad. I'm happy to share it with other clubs too, of course.
Thanks for all the effort, Erin. For me everything seems to work fine... except the preview button. Clicking it brings up a new page with a text box containing my post, but no preview.
Hmm. I'm seeing that too, Charles. I poked at it a bit but couldn't figure it out. I'll look at it again when fewer people are on the site and I'm less likely to cause problems by actively debugging. :)
OK tried to attach a picture that was within specs and it errored out. I tried to post with out the pic and got this

{ "status": true, "data": "x3ctable id="comment-upload-attachments" class="sticky-enabled"x3en x3ctheadx3ex3ctrx3ex3cthx3ex3c/thx3ex3cthx3eDeletex3c/thx3ex3cthx3eListx3c/thx3ex3cthx3eDescriptionx3c/thx3ex3cthx3eWeightx3c/thx3ex3cthx3eSizex3c/thx3e x3c/trx3ex3c/theadx3enx3ctbodyx3en x3ctr class="draggable odd"x3ex3ctdx3ex3c/tdx3ex3ctdx3ex3cdiv class="form-item" id="edit-files-1526-remove-wrapper"x3en x3cinput type="checkbox" name="files[1526][remove]" id="edit-files-1526-remove" value="1" class="form-checkbox" /x3enx3c/divx3enx3c/tdx3ex3ctdx3ex3cdiv class="form-item" id="edit-files-1526-list-wrapper"x3en x3cinput type="checkbox" name="files[1526]
  • " id="edit-files-1526-list" value="1" checked="checked" class="form-checkbox" /x3enx3c/divx3enx3c/tdx3ex3ctdx3ex3cdiv class="form-item" id="edit-files-1526-description-wrapper"x3en x3cinput type="text" maxlength="256" name="files[1526][description]" id="edit-files-1526-description" size="60" value="someoneiswrongontheinternet.jpg" class="form-text" /x3en x3cdiv class="description"x3ex3csmallx3e class="form-item" id="edit-files-1526-weight-wrapper"x3en x3cselect name="files[1526][weight]" class="form-select comment-upload-weight" id="edit-files-1526-weight" x3ex3coption value="-1"x3e-1x3c/optionx3ex3coption value="0" selected="selected"x3e0x3c/optionx3ex3coption value="1"x3e1x3c/optionx3ex3c/selectx3enx3c/divx3enx3c/tdx3ex3ctdx3e21.14 KBx3c/tdx3e x3c/trx3enx3c/tbodyx3enx3c/tablex3enx3cdiv class="form-item" id="edit-upload-wrapper"x3en x3clabel for="edit-upload"x3eAttach new file: x3c/labelx3en x3cinput type="file" name="files[upload]" class="form-file" id="edit-upload" size="60" /x3enn x3cdiv class="description"x3eImages are larger than x3cemx3e800x600x3c/emx3e will be resized. The maximum upload size is x3cemx3e5 MBx3c/emx3e. Only files with the following extensions may be uploaded: x3cemx3ejpg jpeg gif png txt doc xls pdf ppt pps odt ods odpx3c/emx3e. x3c/divx3enx3c/divx3enx3cinput type="submit" name="attach" id="edit-attach" value="Attach" class="form-submit" /x3en" }
:) I corrected Apon and wanted to post this after my correction :lol:
Nope, no Green Marine thread in that area right now. Your seeing what is supposed to b there.