Cali Kid Corals

Skimmer break in?


So following the directions on the skimmer it says to keep the air valve wide open for at least a week. When doing so this happens. Is this normal? I have the skimmer set at the right water level. Any help would be much appreciated.
Yes, if it's a brand new skimmer especially. It takes a while to "break in" it needs to build up a film. What I have done in the past (if this works for yours) is flip the cup upside down and put the lid on top, so the water bubbles down the body instead of getting all over
if a brand new spanking skimmer, raise it way above the water level or take off the collection cup and let it simply overflow until its it's good to go.

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Every couple years I get it in my mind to do a really good cleaning on my skimmer, and it usually needs a bit of break in when I return it to the system. I leave the cup on, but I open the drain in the bottom of the cup so that everything just flows through and drains back into the tank. So long as it isn't bubbling over faster than the drain can flow this isn't an issue, and it keeps the popping bubbles from making a mess.