I run an old aquac ev150 off a dc pump. It's nice because gives you another lever to pull to dial it in. My old pumps were suspect when I fired it back up so I just went dc. It is quieter than the giant Rio I used to drive it back in the day.I bought a used Skimz skimmer, it has a DC pump that failed. I pulled out the whole skimmer, went back to my 20 year old AquaC EV120 and it's Mag5, which has run continuously for 20 years except for a month of the Skimz skimmer. I bought a replacement AC pump for the Skimz, which has slightly different fittings than the DC version. I'm sure DC skimmers are more reliable now, but I've had that pump and a DC return pump fail on me and I don't trust them now. it may be unfounded, now that several years have passed since DC pumps first arrived, but when I have reliable AC pumps, I'll use them.
If DC pumps are reliable and somehow save electricity, then I'll give them a try again maybe. Only better efficiency would convince me that they are worth it.
I wouldn't mind getting a modern skimmer but don't want to pay for the ultra reef akula that I really want.