Our mission

Slate of Officers for 2017


Supporting Member
Hello to all fellow members. Below is the slate of officers for 2017. Please review and post your vote here. The voting period ends on November 30th and the results will be announced in December. Thank you for voting.
The slate of officers for 2017 is as follows:
President-Mike Brown-@Coral Reefer
Vice President-Bob -@Tank Guy
Meetings Sub-Committee members:
Facilities/Event Coordinator Steve Patchin-@patchin
Visiting Speaker Accommodations Edgar Sandoval
Secretary-Dave Corkrum-@2manyhobbies
Treasurer-Mike Ray-@mray2660
Sponsorship Committee Chair Rolf -@Corralus
Frag Swap Coordinator Mike Huynh-@enderturtle
Web Masters:
Denzil Villarico-@denzil
Alfred Young-@neuro
Philip D'Agostino-@bluprntguy
Tyler Gunn-@Tgunn
Member at Large/Officer in training Jon-@flagg37
wow so many volunteered! nice, but I can't vote for people I don't know.....So I vote for all the incumbents. : )