
Soli’s 80 Gallon Shallow Build

You’re a lucky guy. I was with him when he bought that at the first coral farmers market, won’t say how much it was, but you got a good deal!

That’s what I appreciate about this club - most of us are just trying to share what we’ve acquired. I fragged it right when I got home and passed along a piece to Ashburn so hopefully this piece will be around the club for a long time!

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Interesting discovery tonight. I was looking at the tank tonight and noticed a weird growth pattern on my grafted monti. Upon closer inspection, turns out a small piece of a different monti is growing next to the grafted. The frags were never in contact with each other nor placed nearby each other.

This is a pic of the green monti with blue polyps that is sitting on the bottom of the tank:

This is a pic of the grafted cap with the green monti growing next to it:

And final pic is a shot showing where the two pieces are in relation to each other (about 8-10” apart):

So far they aren’t fighting and seem to be fusing together. Will be interesting to see how this turns out. Might be seeing a new blue polyp grafted monti on eBay soon for 10k! :)

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I don’t know his whole collection, but I would guess it’s the la lakers monti he got from me via dbtc. Haven’t seen him offering frags on that thread that I can recall unfortunately...
Only thing I can remember Bruce had with those colors was the tubs stellata but that branching and purple/blue body with green polyps. Hopefully he will know
This sucks. Didn’t notice that my the alk in my dosing container was out and all dropped to 5.5 and I lost a pretty nice sized colony I grew from a 1” frag. Corals hadn’t been looking good the past couple days but I should have done more investigating. On top of that, the dosing line from the calcium somehow got dislodged from the sump so I’ve been doing calcium behind the stand. It wasn’t enough to notice the water. Arghhhhh!

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