I check the alk again last night it was at 8 with no dripping that day. If it was the alk swings the I would expect all the clams should show some problems?
Anyways I think I solved it!
I did a small water change last night and at 1:30am I checked for snails again....nothing, but I did happen to see a small white crab in the gills of the clam. It wasn't there when the lights were on, or at least I didn't see it. Its about the same size as a acro crab and it was on the white gills perfectly hidden. I only saw it because it moved when I shined my flash light on it. I know that there are some shrimps that can live in clams, but crabs? What do you guys think? I was able to remove it, but only becuase the clam was worse and didn't close up...not a good sign.