In conjunction with Tony Vargas's talk at our December 15th meeting. Julian Sprung of Three Little Fishies has offered a special club price of this must have book. If we can get 12 pre orders, we can get a special price of $26. The club will purchsse two books for the raffle, so we need only 10 more to meet the minimum purchase order. Take advantage of this price which Amazon sells for $44.
1. BAR (paid)
2. BAR (paid)
3. Pinner (paid)
4. Pinner (paid)
5. Bondolo (paid)
6. iCon (paid)
7. Piper (paid)
8. KMooresf
9. Eldiablostr8 (paid)
10. Patchin (paid)
11. Xulio (paid)
12. Apon