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Stronger Skimmer Pump - Raise or Lower Depth?

I have been running a Warner Marine K2 in my sump for my 120g. Originally had the Sicce PSK-2500, but have switched to a Bubble Blaster 3000. There is an increased amount of bubbles and water speed, and it fills higher into the neck at the same water outlet setting as the Sicce, but it doesn't seem like it is removing as much.

With a stronger skimmer pump, would I raise or lower the skimmer water depth?
If the water level is higher in the neck then it will skim wetter. Do you want a wetter or drier skimmate?

If wetter then ur good. If drier then u need to lower the water level.

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My opinion: Raise internal water level, until it skims too wet.
More back pressure on pump, so less flow, so more dwell time, so more effective.

A guess is that water is rushing through so fast, it not effective.

With a stronger pump, you might also want to raise the entire skimmer itself.
Put a couple of sheets of egg crate underneath for a quick test.
Since raising water level is limited by wet/dry skimming.
Thanks guys, I'll try both and see. Usually I want to skim more on the dry side, but I'll try really wet and then pull back some.

nly, thanks for offer, i'll keep that in mind.