Emptied the Advanced Acrylics 60G frag tank (48x24x12”) and started disassembling the plumbing and sump. Both are for sale still! Don't mind the messy garage, it's organized chaos lol View attachment 65138
@sfsuphysics, the next few pictures will answer your curiosity. Advertised width of the rack is 24” wide, but if you add the shelf bars it's actually 26” wide. Since the tank is 30” I needed to add a 30” wide board between the shelf and tank. I bought a 3/4" 4' x 8' plywood from Home Depot and cut it down to 71.5" x 30.5". Gave it a extra 0.5" space for any discrepancies in measurement. Then sanded for smooth edges and no splinters! View attachment 65139
I had to cut a notch out to make room for the internal overflow drain and return pipes. Terrible crooked cut but not bad for only using a circular saw. View attachment 65140
The DeWalt rack came with this wire grid for the shelving so a few squares had to be cut and removed to make space. Bought a $12 bolt cutter from Harbor Freight for the job. View attachment 65141
My rough calculations worked out and the holes for the pipes was not blocked by the shelf bars. Yayyy! View attachment 65142
Harbor Freight Anti-Fatigue roll mat is always my go to for leveling mats for all my aquariums. It's 72" x 24" x 5/16" for $11. I needed two to cover the 30" width. View attachment 65143
I usually screw it down as well so it doesn't move when I'm sliding the tank around on top. View attachment 65144
This was roughly at midnight and I was anxious to get the tank on the rack so I decided to move the tank onto the rack myself. Don't try this with a glass tank! lol. Took a lot of maneuvering back and forth but managed to not crack the tank wheww! I've been recording this build so I can post the tank build to my YouTube channel! View attachment 65146
Almost there! and before you ask, yes thats all reef stuff in those bins up top View attachment 65147
and she's in place! Hallelujah!!!
Tank hangs about 3" in the rear and 1" on the front. Since I have a Aquarium Engineering MBA according to my calculations I should not have any issues with weight distribution lol View attachment 65148