got ethical husbandry?

Survey - Do you Apex!?!

We have 3 Apex units. We use 2 apex classic and 1 new model. The new model is on the reef display system. The classics are in the Factory. The classics runs the broodstock system and the other is on the 2 grow out systems. Most of the control in the grow out is for the large part of the grow out system with a temp and ph on the smaller system.
I’ve got the new apex (even though it’s in a box in my basement). Hopefully that won’t be the case much longer. Taxes weren’t nearly as bad this year.
Apex classic using it for minimum function.
Temp control...
Ph monitoring..
ATO using breakout box.
that's about it:)

Moved pretty much everything else to either native support or more reliable equipments.

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I just feel like. Apex allows controlling stuff that already has controllers. Or doesn’t need adjusting.

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I’m in for the warning and stability monitoring. I don’t control my lights and pumps using apex.

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What is this mythical “Apex” you all talk about?
Vincent, I might need some one on one training to teach this old dog new tricks.
I don’t own any.

Don’t understand the need for one.

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I would not have a large remote tank without it. Leak detection saved me big time one weekend. Salinity out of whack led me to nonfunctioning return pump. A second temp probe lets me monitor tank temp and room temp so I have a chance to deal with extreme room temps before they affect the tank. If something is wrong, I am away and someone else is there, I can adjust some things myself. I like having the data logs available to observe trends and changes I would otherwise not have noticed. This is on a tank not at home, but it’s the same situation for home tanks whenever you are away.
I do not, and it's not NECESSARY, though it is a very nice bonus if you set it up.

But don't listen to me, I have a tank that tries to kill me and an aiptasia farm. An Apex would just grow bigger aiptasia.
