
Tank Crash- heater malfunction

Man, sorry to hear =( Not sure how I'd know if something like this happened too since I don't have automated monitoring.

I got some purple zoas and ricordea if you're interested.
Hindsight tells me that when I checked on the tank the next morning. It was a bit cloudy. I assumed it was from the move the night before. Now I know it was possibly an algae bloom from the heat.thanks for offing up some frags. Means a lot. I think I need to make sure the tank is stabilized before I start adding corals again.
Man, sorry to hear =( Not sure how I'd know if something like this happened too since I don't have automated monitoring.

I got some purple zoas and ricordea if you're interested.
Hindsight tells me that when I checked on the tank the next morning. It was a bit cloudy. I assumed it was from the move the night before. Now I know it was possibly an algae bloom from the heat.thanks for offing up some frags. Means a lot. I think I need to make sure the tank is stabilized before I start adding corals again. Also might end up plumbing in a second tank now that everything has gone south.
I'm so sorry to read this... This just happened to me a few weeks ago.
Oh man. Sorry. Definitely not fun
Sorry this happened man. I'm a bit away in Castro Valley but can give you quite a bit of frags if you can make the drive over once you get the tank going again. Definitely look into a more secure probe holder that you could either replace the suction cup with or use along with the suction cup. Something 3d printed to hang on the side of the tank or sump that will extend down a good depth into the water with a hole for the probe and then even gluing the wire or zip tying it to the extension on the way down is just what I could come up with off the top of my head.
Thank you Arvin. I actually printed my first run at the probe holder tonight. A couple tweaks and it will not happen again.
To shine some light on the situation. I have another tank in storage that I planned to plumb into the system here in a couple months after we settled into the house. Now that this has happened, I might as well get them tied together while the tanks are empty.
Hindsight tells me that when I checked on the tank the next morning. It was a bit cloudy. I assumed it was from the move the night before. Now I know it was possibly an algae bloom from the heat.thanks for offing up some frags. Means a lot. I think I need to make sure the tank is stabilized before I start adding corals again. Also might end up plumbing in a second tank now that everything has gone south.

Oh man. Sorry. Definitely not fun
If it makes you feel a bit better... i was working from home and watching my tank all day... i noticed the cloudiness, assumed it was just a minor bacterial bloom, and kept on working... wasn't until it got really cloudy that I had a chance to check. And realized the problem. I run an apex but my temp probe was faulty and didn't get a chance to replace or calibrate...