Just a quick update. Seems like everything is good.
- Levels Nitrites and Ammonia are undetectable after a few days with fishes swimming around.
- Carbon and Phosguard reactor is up and running through BRS reactor
- UV sterilzer is plumbed, but will probably turn it on at a later date.
- Protein Skimmer is up and running - picked it up from clear water aquairums .. Thanks

- SKIMS MBR 157 Algae Reactor is coming soon.
- Still thinking of a lighting solution, but that would be the last step.
On the graph, changed 80 ppm to 40.2 and 160 ppm to 40.3, else the graph wouldn't be readable.
Day 1: Added Dr. Tim's Bacteria with Ammonia
Day 5: 50% water change. Realized I added too much Ammonia, almost 6x the the recommended amount.
Day 10: 40% water change. Nitrite still at 5ppm and Nitrate still high. Worrid about Bacteria, so added Bio Spira.
Day 18: 30% water change to Nitrites/Nitrates.
Day 19: 90% water change. Wanted to clear the water column of Nitrites and Nitrates. Added 5 blue/green chromis, 10 hermit crabs, 2 emerald crabs. Turned on Reactor with Carbon and Phosguard.
Day 21: Added 1 Flame Angel, 2x Darwin Clownfish. Turned on Protein Skimmer.