We just want to sit and stare at your cable managementI'd be down for a later date....like when I have something in my tank to look at...other than rocks.
Awesome will put your name down, once we have a solid line up, I'll reach out maybe a group chat to work out specifics and pick a date that works for everyoneI’m down. In Los Gatos. Maybe Robert can come too as he loves to have BAReefers critique his work
Isnt it an 800 gallon setup?I’m down. In Los Gatos. Maybe Robert can come too as he loves to have BAReefers critique his work
Somewhere around there. A 180 and 480 ish display tanks, sump is pretty big too as well as a 50 gallon grow out tank.Isnt it an 800 gallon setup?
East Bay @Randy CTank tour list
1.) @derek_SR
2.) @coralexotic ???
3.) @dandemeyere ???
4.) @Reservetank ???
1.) @Arvin R
2.) @jamie ???
3.) @Alexander1312 ???
4.) @Finnaddict ???
1.) @divewsharks
2.) @Srt4eric
3.) @TheRealMadMax
1.) @Turkeysammich ???
2.) @Alexx ???
3.) @richiev???
???= need to reach out and get a confirmation on their willingness to participate.
If you know of someone in one of the regions add their names on this and I could see about reaching out to them. I'm honestly not sure what region everyone is in.
We want to limit it to at most 4-5 tanks in one region for a single day of tank tours. We can always do more in the future if more memebers are intrested in displaying their tanks.
Thanks, I already messaged him just wasn't sure where he was located. Keep the suggestions coming if you have more?East Bay @Randy C
I would be totally down to have peopl over for this. AlamdaIt would be cool to check out @Thales secret home lab. He's in the East Bay.
Great work!Tank tour list
1.) @derek_SR
2.) @coralexotic ???
3.) @dandemeyere ???
4.) @Reservetank ???
1.) @Arvin R
2.) @Thales
3.) @jamie ???
4.) @Alexander1312 ???
5.) @Finnaddict ???
6.) @RandyC ???
1.) @divewsharks
2.) @Srt4eric
3.) @TheRealMadMax
4.) @Woeday ???
5.) @popper ???
1.) @Turkeysammich ???
2.) @Alexx ???
3.) @richiev???
???= need to reach out and get a confirmation on their willingness to participate.
If you know of someone in one of the regions add their names on this and I could see about reaching out to them. I'm honestly not sure what region everyone is in.
We want to limit it to at most 4-5 tanks in one region for a single day of tank tours. We can always do more in the future if more memebers are intrested in displaying their tanks.
Will you be providing accommodations for the overnight stay?