Reef nutrition

Tanks not flourishing

Brawndo is good for the mind, body, soul and your tank :)

Your tank loves BRAWNDO and so should you
musclebenz said:
My new tank has been established for 8 months but things are not growing and barely hanging on. My zoo's are not opening and my bubble coral is shrinking. Any suggestions:

I have performed major water changes over the past 4 weeks without any improvement.

Here are my tanks stats:

150 Gallons
Salinity 1.026
Mg 1500pm
Phosphates .03
Alk 10.8 dkh
Calicum 450
I need to make a Brawndo reactor. What is the recommended dosing rate? Is it measured in BPH (Brawndo per hour) or is it by SPH (Sanjays per hour) like everything else I dose? Thanks for the help.-Jim
Does anyone smoke in your house, because sometimes that can hurt a tank(no offense to anyone who does). Have you checked for any bad hitchhikers? Also How often do you feed and what do you feed?
Smiley1 said:
ciggarette tar is bad for a tank.... but i swear the corals grow like mad and flourish when ya smoke the other stuff.
Hopefully your talking about cigars as in "the other stuff".... You wouldn't want to be "moved on" now would yah? ;)
no, these:
Smiley1 said:
not cigars, not candy.... im talking the stuff that grows wild in Cali.....

i believe its called "sage".

We know exactly what your talking about, but, you just are not getting the clue that is an unwelcome subject on this forum given this forum.

Perhaps the High Times forum is a better fit for you?
GreshamH said:
Smiley1 said:
not cigars, not candy.... im talking the stuff that grows wild in Cali.....

i believe its called "sage".

We know exactly what your talking about, but, you just are not getting the clue that is an unwelcome subject on this forum given this forum.

Perhaps the High Times forum is a better fit for you?

I see it mentioned all the time here gresh, when did it become unwelcome?
No your right, I guess I should have said "not getting the clue some of us were trying to steer the conversation away from such a topic."

For the most part you won't find it in the general forums... the majority I have seen was rather recently and in a certain sponsors forum. Slightly different. If you Google search the site for those keywords you'll see what I mean :D

Google site search
:lol: and I wonder why that is.... pot gets 4 pages and as with reefer, none refer to what you think :lol:
im tellin ya....being a reefer while reefing does great things to your tank. it makes you lazy so you keep your hands out and quit messin with stuff causing huge swings in anything you touch. If your tank isnt doing good, leave it alone and do wc only for a while....something is out of whack.....