Cali Kid Corals

Tanks OK?

We had lots of shaking in Santa Rosa. My main tank - lost about a liter of water. No damage other than the small amount of water. This was on an open top acrylic with eurobrace. My home made stand survived!!

I have a cousin in Napa. He lost his tank and lots of other broken glass. I haven't been able to contact him. Aren't cell phones great in an emergency- NOT!

The Napa LFS looked like there was stand failure. Hard to tell from the dark pics on that news clip. What a mess.
Thanks for sharing that!
I wonder what the loss might have been if they had used acrylic tanks?
Not sure acrylic would have been much better, going by that story the reporter mentioned breakage due to tanks falling, and I know for one that a 55g acrylic tank falling full of water will break just as easily as a glass tank :D

I feel for that guy though, 10 minutes after getting rocked like that you run to your business because you know it's not going to be good, only to leave because you can't see anything.