Reef nutrition

Test Kits

I used to use Salifert, but I can't trust it after it gave me the bad readings batch after batch. (Salifet has consistency problem with their kh test kit and the mag test kit is just junk-- sorry patchin :D ) Now I am using:

Lamotte kh (love the accuracy and the ease of use)
Elos mag (they could work on a better instruction and larger prints but other then that it is pretty accurate)
Elos Cal.

I've heard that the Seachem Cal is easier so I might try that next time
Seachem Ca
Seachem Mg
DIY alk
- API reagent
- Salifert syringes and tips
- Seachem/Salifert vials
- BAR alk standard for calibration
Well, after a wildly successful surveyof the most popular test kits, with 8 responses, the results of my scientific :) study are:
(drum roll)
CA Salifert followed closely by Elos
MG Tie between Elos and Seachem

Thank you all for your participation.
PS, although it is not nearly as simple as API (but more accurate), there is an alk test kit included with the Mag seachem reef status kit.
So...I needed new Ca and Mg kits and I ended up picking up the Elos kits from Robert (thanks btw!)

I did the calcium test. No problem, simple precipitation then titration.
Then I did Magnesium. ..hmm...a double titration...where you subtract the results....and the second test uses the same indicator as the calcium test.

I used to do QC work and did a lot of titrationa of Mg and Ca. To determine both, you titrated both together for total hardness, then you precipitate out Mg into Mg(OH)2 and titrate Ca alone...subtract and you get Mg. The elos kit is using what looks to be the same indicators I used (Eriochrome Black T and Bromorresol Green) at the same steps that I would use at the old lab.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that if you buy the Mg Elos kit, you also bought the Ca test ;) The only thing you gain with the Ca dedicated test, is the "explicit" Ca info and the higher rest drop bottle (Mg has 50 ppm/drop vs the Ca which has a 50 and a 10).
API Alk test is simple.

I do have the Elos Ca and Mg, (yes, user error) but I have a difficult time determining what is the right "color change". Also, sometimes the drops are uneven, i need more practice.

At Neptune, I think they use Salifert? with the syringe instead of drops. That seems like an easier and more accurate method. Although you still have to decide the right color change.

Should Elos and Salifert test kits read the same? My readings are always different when I test at Neptune. Although I understand that it doesn't really matter, just as long as its "consistent", then it's all good.